The StayFit™ Plan a division of Simplicity Health Plans
20600 Chagrin Blvd.| Suite 450 |Cleveland | OH | 44122

55 Cherry Ln. | Unit 2B | Wakefield | RI | 02879

Contact Us: 877-747-1113 (Option 7, Option 3)

Health Coaching

Total Wellbeing provides participants with lifestyle guidance, as well as holistic and integrative wellness education based on their unique health needs. Our health coaches are licensed or certified in their discipline and are trained using the principles of WellCoaches® Psychology of Health Coaching. Our program offers flexible options such as Telephonic, Onsite, or Web-Based Group Programs. In addition, employers can choose from proactive outreach and follow-up or reactive inbound calls into our coaches.

Behavior Change and Lifestyle Programs

Preventive Health, Weight/Nutrition, Stress Management, Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Financial Wellness (Health to Wealth Connection-not financial advice), Tobacco Cessation.  Certain conditions such as Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Diabetes and Back Care are supported with the root cause behavior change drivers such as tobacco use, physical inactivity etc. When appropriate coaches offer soft-transfers to employer sponsored Condition, Disease Management and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referrals can be incorporated into the coaching process and customized by employer.

Our Total Wellbeing Coaches assess the needs of the individual taking into account internal, external, personal and environmental barriers to optimal wellbeing. Collectively, the coach and the participant determine the appropriate personal lifestyle plan and actions to overcome barriers and achieve success. Cases are documented in our proprietary health coaching secure database system, tracking risk mitigation and migration. Learn more

Health Education

Health Education provides opportunities for employees to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge and awareness about certain health topics that will support the development of life skills that will help individuals achieve optimal wellbeing.

We offer a variety of health, wealth and preventive health education programs. Formats include live broadcast webinars*, on-demand webcasts, and onsite seminars. We will work with you to make program recommendations based on the health needs/risks of your population. Health education is always presented by qualified health professionals in the discipline of selected topics.

*Standard live broadcast webinar seats include 250 participants. Seat requirements beyond 250 incur additional fees. We can record all live webinars for future on-demand viewing. We can integrate webinar registration with the wellness portal (if purchased from StayFit).